Wednesday, February 3, 2010

February 3, 2010 Day 3

Today was our venue walk through Whistler Olympic park and setting up our doping control station. We were put into 3 man teams, 1 male (me) and 1 female DCO (Ragnhill) and 1 BCO (Lee ann, blood collection officer). I was paired up with Ragnhill Mjoen from Norway. She is a Clinical biomedical researcher working with kids with Luekemia in Trondheim. She speaks Norwegian, fluent English, German and Swedish. So I was pretty happy to have her since the norwegians are one of the strongest cross-country nations at the Olympics and very likely to medal which will mean we will be testing alot of them. I have been trying to learn some Swedisha nd Norwegian today. The picture is Ragnhill on the left, me and Lee Ann on the right. We all have our purple anti-doping arm bands on our heads because they are so big and ugly. No one will miss us with those things on. Oh, I got in trouble for that as well...

So, as we went through our venue walk through today, we were given access to the media centre where all of the medalists give press conferences. Our boss, Elizabeth said, "ok, we aren't suppose to be in here so don't touch the mics or go up into the chairs at the front". Well, Alan McMurray who is a DCO form Northern Ireland looked at each other and we knew exactly what we were going to do as soon as we got in. When Elizabeth left to take a call on her cell, we both ran up to the front and sat in the press conference seats and I had one of the other DCO's to take our picture. So, once we did, everyone went up after us and then the people who went after us got in trouble. It was actually pretty cool to be up there. So here is a picture of the press confernece room.

Transportation is one of the biggest issues at the Olympics and I know this won't last but the Anti-doping team gets their own vehicles so at all check points we get waved right through and we get to go in the "Olympic lane" with the buses. We don't have to wait and we get to avoid alot of the line ups into the venue sites.

Security around WOP (Whistler Olympic park) is getting tighter and tighter. Helicopters were circling around all day. They are really noisey and annoying. They were flying really low and circling constantly. The picture with the containers are believe it or not, the athletes dorms or residences at WOP. The green roofed buildings ar ethe wax huts for the skiers.

By the way, the picture of the purse is a real Prada bag....


  1. i heard that in the news a year ago that VANOC was acquiring all these old shipping containers and converting them into residence for the olympics. they look just as bad as i thought they would be.

  2. Hi Tim. My grade five class and I have been reading your posts. They are very interested in what you are doing and it gives them a different perspective on the games. We look forward to reading your future posts, thanks for sharing your experience with us.

  3. Hi Lakeview Grade 5 class! I will keep you informed on the Olympic games. Love you Emma.
