Friday, February 19, 2010

February 19, 2010 Day 19

Today was a full work day for us. We had the ski jump competition beginning on the the "Large" hill, mens qualifiers and in the afternoon Womens cross country ski 15km pursuit. I was very fortunate to be able to associate with Olympic medalists and thinking about it after is when you realize how fortunate you are to be part of the games. For obvious reasons, I can't give any details of who I tested and what I did but it just great to be a part of the experience...

Some funny and odd things about today... The members of the Anti-doping team are prohibited to trade pins, accept gifts or have our picture taken with athletes. We don't eat or drink in front of the athletes under any circumstances. After 19 days of wearing the same smurf jacket, it is starting to smell funny. I learned today that anyone on their accreditation with a T1 means they are part of the IOC, Jack Rogge and his fanily etc., get their own car and driver. T2 means WADA members, IF etc. and T3 are all of the others with their own car and driver. I wish I had a T1, T2 or T3 designation since transportation is such an issue at the Olympics. Today was the first day where everyhting went really well and smoothly even though some wierd things came up.

I included some pictures of some of the jumpers on the large hill. They will jump up to 140m versus the 105m on the normal hill...
Got a picture of one of the photographers HUGE lens on his camera... they are ruthless and will steal candy from a baby to get their picture.

I took a picture of a ptarmigan i think. it is the very first sign of wildlife I have seen.

1 comment:

  1. It's always good to hear success stories of our graduates! Everyone at Matheson wishes you the best of luck and we hope you enjoy the rest of the Olympics!

    I will be linking to this post on our Facebook page and our Twitter account!

    - Jenn, @ Matheson System
    Facebook: MathesonSystem
    Twitter: @mathesonsystem
